Friday, July 30, 2010

Realism in a Box

As a Jersey boy, I should have a deep sense of hatred for the Jersey Shore.  According to my wonderful governor Chris Christie it unleashes the worst stereotype possible for those in my fine state, New Yorkers are loud and obnoxious.  Many will wonder what a blog about realism has to do with such a fine piece of entertainment.  It represents the actions of individual actors in anarchy, whose sole desires are to maximize power and interests.  For this examination I will use the Situation, obviously our favorite tanned Benny.
      The Situation has two main goals throughout his summer at Seaside Heights.  Become the so called "man of the house" and bed as many Jersey girls as humanly possible.  The Situation represents the most desired traits of realism, maximizing his power and goals.  He perfects himself with a strict GTL regime (gym, tan, laundry for those who have not seen a television set in a year).  He is not bound by the conventional norms that many people feel beholden to.  He ditches friends with grenades, has no desire to abide by age of consent, and will use his associates to further his own goals.  The question many would ask "Is this ethical?" has no place in the discussion, anarchy is everything.  In order for him to fulfill his objectives, the idea of emotions and philosophies should have no impact on this so called situation.  The question is how successfully he manages to achieve the goal of house domination.  With his lack of support in the house, especially after attempting to pick up another jersey native after the infamous Snooki brawl, he fails maintain suitable support and experiences a strong counterbalance led by the subversive Vinny.

BTW Who else can't stand Angelina? Can't believe they let her back.

The never ending conversation

Realism.  A simple concept that defines the actions of states.  The belief that countries act to maximize their power and influence.  Many call it outdated and archaic, looking back to the days of feudal warfare in Europe or ancient Sumeria.  This blogger sees an explanation that many never realize (its almost a pun), that ideas, philosophies, religions, virtues are all excuses on the international scene.  The search for power is never ending, so why not have some fun with it.